“The Cursed Triangle” by Viktoria Kovshikova

Step into the world of Viktoria Kovshikova, an artist from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Her latest project, “The Cursed Triangle,” is inspired by childhood fears sparked by peculiar TV shows. Viktoria embarked on a quest to explore the Sandov Triangle, a mysterious spot near her hometown. Armed with her camera and curiosity, she set out to capture the essence of this enigmatic place and confront her deepest anxieties.

Drawn to the mystique of television’s influence on her youth, Viktoria’s exploration of the Sandov Triangle serves as both a personal journey and a creative endeavor. Through “The Cursed Triangle,” she transforms abstract fears into tangible imagery, inviting viewers to contemplate the intersection of belief and reality by shedding light on the eerie narratives that once gripped her imagination. Viktoria sparks dialogue about the power of perception and the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.


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