“Society and Culture”
Open Call Closed
Society and Culture all across the globe have their unique traits yet diverse, delicate, and sometimes controversial.
Arc Tribe wishes to see your perspective through the magical realism mix with your creative expression.
We are eager for you to go beyond reality and show us what you've got!
Date: March 6 – May 31, 2022
Eligibility: Any professional and amateur photographers
Curated by: Arc Tribe
Entry Fee: $35
Early Bird: $25
(From March 6 - Apr 2, 2022)
Theme: “Society and Culture”
Exhibition and Awards: Work published on Arc Tribe magazine and an exhibition in Thailand.
Upload Requirements:
Images: 7-10 images per applicant
File type: JPEG file
File size: At least 3000px on the long edge
Every file has to be named in the following way Name_Surname_Number.jpg
(example: Arc_Tribe_1.jpg Arc_Tribe_2.jpg etc.)
Include: Short Bio or CV, Project description
*Please include your website, social media and online contact in your Bio or CV.
Deadlines and Information
Applicant submission deadline: May 31, 2022 (midnight, GMT+7)
Finalists announcement: 15 June , 2022
Further information: contact@arctribemag.com
Call for entries
March 6, 2022
Submission Deadline
May 31, 2022
Finalists Announcement
June 15, 2022
Magazine Launch
October, 2022
On-site Exhibition
November, 2022
About Arc Tribe Magazine
Arc Tribe magazine is an annual magazine which aims to support and promote appreciation for photography arts. We aspire to serve as an outlet for both professional and emerging artists on this planet. Our first issue will be launch in October, 2022. As for our theme 'Society and Culture', we wish to uncover a wide variety of talents, individual interpretations and perspectives of the world through your creative expressions. Our team will select finalists to be published in our magazine and showcase at an on-site exhibition in Thailand. If you are an alien, “Sorry, dude! Not this time.”
Terms and Conditions
By submitting to the open call, the applicants must agree that the images are your own work, you own all rights to the images, and you take full responsibility for the content of all images, including the likeness of recognizable individuals. Arc Tribe will not be held liable for any infringement of rights that might surface during the jurying or displaying of any image. The actual artwork will remain the property of the artist. Should your work be selected, you grant Arc Tribe the right to reproduce your images on our magazine, website, social media, and where appropriate to help promote our exhibition. Arc Tribe will always credit you and your copyright wherever feasible. We will not use your image for any other purpose without the applicant’s permission.
“Society and Culture”

Today Didn’t Happen Yet, by Prune Phi

Demonic by Akkara Naktamna

Natural Impersonation by Zhidong Zhang

by Alvin Lau

Past Away by Oho Kanako

Xmas Vindaloo by Brice Dossin

by Eandaru Kusumaatmaja

The Good Place by Kanrapee Chokpaioon

The Quarantine Report by Krerkburin Kerngburi

Red Lotus by Kamonlak Sukchai

Neon Diary by Tachpasit Kunaporn
The L_st Album by Pariwat Anantachina
by Patcha K.

by Asadawut Boonlitsak
by Ton Ton Bo

The Nursery by Kraiwitch Tungsomboon
by Jingran Zhang

My Grandma Is A Gra-Sue by Guy Supakorn
by Audsadang Satsadee
by Tawanwad Wanavit