EBB - a Photobook by 21 Thai Photographers.
EBB is a collaborative photobook that is a substantial evidence of the political situation occurring in Thailand.
A total of 21 photographers captured through their camera lenses a memory and reminder of the 2020-2021 protests that reflect the socio-political problems facing youth fighters.
This photobook has a variety of sensations, there are the determination, courage, strength, sacrifice of all fighters, yet it is a painful truth. Despite the fact that it is now 2022, the book depicts an ongoing protest among peaceful protestors who hope for a better future for their country. They only fight for their well-being and a better quality of life, so why is it so difficult? Here lies the evidence of what happened to them.
Curator: Kanrapee Chokpaiboon
Art Direction: Arc Press
Design: Pariwat Anantachina
Throwie & Handstyle by BEKOS
Font: RabobbOT by Cadson® Demak
Printed by Parbpim Ltd.,Part., Bangkok, Thailand
First Edition, November, 2021
© 2021 Arc Press